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The Keywi Story Begins

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

Roughly ten years ago, my busy college schedule of classes, studies, and work meant that free time was absolutely precious to me. Struggling to find a balance between all my commitments, I attempted many different methods of studying on the go.

One day I decided to prepare for a Physiology exam while on my bus commute to class. Engrossed in my notes, I was startled when the bus lurched to a halt. Glancing up, I suddenly realized it was my stop and I hurried to collect all my things. I haphazardly stuffed my textbook and binder into my backpack while several stray papers slid across the floor. A fellow student reached down to help me retrieve my now crumpled notes. Thanking him over my shoulder, I jumped off the bus and rushed to class. Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but see a little humor in my latest studying strategy. What a sight I had to be jogging up the sidewalk with my backpack half-zipped and disheveled papers clutched in my arms. Studying on the bus seemed like a perfectly good way to spend my time, but that meant I always had to lug around my textbook and notes wherever I went.

Perhaps by necessity, I eventually perfected the art of studying during my free time. I simply kept a set of ring-bound flashcards with me wherever I went. This way there was no need for heavy textbooks or cumbersome pages of notes. With the cards with me always on hand, I could easily memorize a card or two as I walked or sat on the bus. I had never been good at memorization, but breaking up the task in this simple way really helped. I was amazed at all the unexpected free moments I found throughout my day and surprised by how much material I was able to cover just by making use of those brief moments.

Besides using my free time to study, it dawned on me to make use of that time to uplift my spirit. As a Christian, I had always had the desire to learn and memorize more scripture. Unfortunately, how to go about that in a practical, intentional way had always eluded me. I was going through a period in my life where I was really seeking God’s will for my future and I was especially motivated to stand on the solid ground of God’s promises rather than linger in a state of fear and doubt. And then the thought struck me: why not carry around some memory verses to encourage me throughout the day?


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